On July 6th, we received the visit of three consultants on shoreline management. They are, Mr. Doug Ramsey, a coastal engineer from the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd., New Zealand. Mr Ramsey, knows Kosrae shoreline very well. He spent two years (1998-2000) in Kosrae, studying our coastline. He published the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan in the year 2000. Dr. Arthur Webb, a coastal process advisor with SOPAC in Fiji and Mr Fenno Brunken, a climate change advisor with the German Technical Cooperation Agency , based in Pohnpei. Next day, they went with the PACC team to make a rapid assessment of Kosrae's coastline. They analized the current status of the shoreline and the best practices to be less vulnerable to the effects of storm surges.
From left to rigth, Mr. Abraham, Mr. Ramsey, Mr. Brunken, Dr. Webb and Miss Monnereau.
On July 9th, the consultants met with Mr. Simpson Abraham and the Governor, Hon. Lyndon Jackson. Then they met with different stakeholders. They shared with us some recommendations on what is needed to become more resilient to the damage done by storm surges. Their recommendations included the relocation of the coastal road with the infrastructure to higher grounds and the first areas to be targeted. They explained us that using coastal defenses will be only a short term solution. They also emphasised that now is the time to apply to donor agencies for money because the uncertaintantly of funds in the future. The three consultants told us to plan in terms of one or two generations ahead, so we need to begin now.
Mr. Ramsey explaining his recomendations to the participants