Curt, Kaiulani and John help Iris and Ginny with the data imput.
The first week of August, the ten enumerators finished the questionaires, for a total of 364 households in the coastal areas of Kosrae. The enumerators collected information on the impacts of coastal erosion and high tides in the coastal residents. Also, fifteen in depth interviews were done, relating to coastal erosion. The people interviewed talk about different aspects of the effects of coastal erosion as fisheries, cultual sites, tourism, business, state laws and other. The data imput into the computer was finished on August 8. The results will be analized by Miss Iris Monnerau during September and October. These results will be presented by Miss Monnerau and the FSM PACC project director, Mr. Simpson Abraham next November, in Qatar. Qatar will be the venue for the Convention Of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Convention to Climate Change ( UNCCC). The data provided by this project will inform desition makers about the situation in Kosrae and add important imformation for project proposals and grants seeking.

Iris and Simpson explain the project to the Kosrae State Legislators.
Iris and Simpson met with Malem senior citizens to gather information of changes during time. They comented of activities done that affected the coast.