Thursday, November 29, 2012

FSMPACC National Coordinator Presents Loss & Damage Report at the UN Climate Change Conference COP 18, Doha, Qatar

Mr. Simpson Abraham, the National Coordinator of the FSM Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project; attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Doha, Qatar. A side event  called “ Pioneering Study Shows Evidence of Loss and Damage Today  from the Front lines of Climate Change: Vulnerable Communities Beyond Adaptation?”, was held on Monday, November 26.  Mr. Abraham  presented the Loss and Damage report  from Kosrae, Micronesia. He joined four more experts who discussed the findings based in nearly 1,800 households interviews and 200 focus groups and stakeholders discussions conducted in Bangladesh, Buthan, Gambia, Kenya and Micronesia.
For more information on Policy reports with case studies, press releases and fact sheets please visit 
The Loss and Damage in Vulnerable Countries Initiative was initiated by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in order to move forward the debate on loss and damage for the benefit of the least developed countries (LDCs) and other vulnerable countries. The GoB requested assistance from the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN).
CDKN has appointed a consortium of organizations - UN University-Institute for Environmental and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Germanwatch, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) - to carry out this work.


Mr. Abraham presented the Kosrae Loss and Damage Case Study Report, UNFCCC high level segment conference in Doha, Qatar- COP 18.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Poor hit by climate damage despite adaptation - study - AlertNet

Poor hi

Friday, November 23, 2012

Disaster Management Training

During the week from November 12 until the 16th, we participate in a State disaster management training. We learned how to  do Initial Damage Assessments and to work on an Emergency Operation Center. We  practice using examples of anthropogenic and climate related emergencies. This training was sponsored by  USAID, The Asia Foundation, SPC and the FSM National Government's Office of Environment & Emergency Management.

Government officials, Private sector and NGO's practicing their roles at the Emergency Operation Center during a typhoon drill.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Administrative Officer

Meet our new Administrative Officer, Mr. Ginny T. Jose. He begun working with us since October 8th, 2012. He is from Malem village, Kosrae. He has prior experience in financial and administrative matters from his U.S. Marine Corps service. His appointment will help us to concentrate more on our tasks.