Robert from KUA, shows the equipment to the people from Walung.
On December 13, The first solar power systems were delivered to Walung village. On that date, a meeting was held with the community members and the Kosrae Utilities Authority, The Hon. Lt. Governor Carson Sigrah, and FSM PACC Coordinator, Mr. Simpson Abraham. Fifty two systems are going to be deployed on every house in the village. Walung is in the west coast of Kosrae, and it is not connected to the main power grid of Kosrae. These systems are to provide electricity for light bulbs to help the students to study during night time. The light bulbs are LED's, which consume less electricity than regular or fluorescent bulbs. The system will also be able to recharge cellular phones and listen to the radio station by means of a radio provided. Each household will pay a fee, based in the quantity of light bulbs installed, the price is still in negotiation. This fee will enable to replace damaged parts. With this system, Walung residents will lower their carbon footprint by reducing the use of kerosene and batteries for their lamps. This project is funded by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the European Union's Renewable Energy Project. It is being executed by the Kosrae Utilities Authority, in collaboration with the Kosrae State Government and FSM PACC Project.

Gifford from KUA, installing a solar panel. Photo by Simpson Abraham.