Monday, December 16, 2013

Building in the Coastal Zone Recomendations Information Package

The FSM PACC and KIRMA ( Kosrae Island Resources Management Authority) had produced and is available for the public, recomendations for building in the coastal zone for those who do not own land upland. This information package can be obtained at the Housing Program at DREA, Dept. of Resources and Economic Affairs), the FSM Development Bank, KIRMA and the FSM PACC office. It includes information on how far to build from the shoreline and how to reduce the vulnerability of structures in the coastal zone.

This information was developed by Coastal Engineer, Mr. Doug Ramsay. He came back this last summer to update the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan and make suggestions on how to become less vulnerable to the expected changes in climate. The information is provided in Kosraean language and includes building and taking care of the coastal zone, the mangroves and sand mining.

                                      The information Package for building in the coastal zone.

Consultant to Prepare Proposal for Upscaling the Work on the Pilot Road in Okat.

Mr. Jonathan W. McCue, from Sustainable Seas, is a consultant who came to Kosrae to prepare a proposal regarding the FSM PACC Project. He is to make an assessment of the pilot road project in Okat. He will prepare a proposal to funding organizations to upscale the work on the road, so it can be replicated in other roads in Kosrae and the other FSM States,. Other uses of the funds to be requested will be used to implement the Kosrae Strategic Development Plan for 2014-2023 and the Shoreline Management Plan. Mr. McCue made a courtesy visit to Kosrae Governor, Honorable Lyndon Jackson on December 3rd and the Kosrae State Legislature on the 4th.

Pilot program for Climate Resiliense (PPCR)

The Federated States of Micronesia has been chosen as one of the three countries in the Pacific Ocean to participate in the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, PPCR. This project is a joint program between SPREP, SPC, PIFS, ADB and the World Bank. It aims to pilot and demonstrate ways in which climate risk and resilience may be integrated into National, Sectorial and Local development planning and action. The project seeks to merge disaster risks with climate change. The project will last for 33 months.

Two consultants from SPREP came on the first week of December to meet with the stakeholders of climate change adaptation and disaster agencies. They are Mr. Andre Volandras, PPCR Program Manager and Mr. Aaron Buncle, the project's  Mainstreaming Specialist. They made a courtesy visit to Kosrae Governor, Honorable Lyndon Jackson. They also met with the Governor's Cabinet Members to explain them the scope of the PPCR Project.

Kosrae was selected because his previous work done on the island like the State Law 10-2, The Shoreline Management Plan, Regulations for  Developing Projects,etc.
From left to right: Hon. Lyndon Jackson, Mr. Andre Volandras, Mr. Simpson Abraham and Mr. Aaron Buncle.

Project presented to Governor's Cabinet members.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

FSM fighting to lower greenhouse gas emissions under Montreal Protocol

19 November 2013, Gender day UNFCCC , Warsaw Poland - Here at the UN Climate talks, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is supporting a proposal for the Montreal Protocol to take action to reduce HFC's, by doing so this will contribute to the UNFCCC goal of limiting greenhouse gases.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's) are a common thread between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Montreal Protocol. In taking action against them within the Montreal Protocol this will help ensure the two international agreements complement each other.
HFC's are factory-made chemicals used in refrigeration, air conditioning and fire suppressants. They are known as super greenhouse gases which are hundreds to thousands times more powerful than carbon dioxide and are replacements for the gases which have damaged the ozone layer that have been banned under the Montreal Protocol.
As they do not deplete the ozone layer, the emissions of HFCs are included in the "basket of gases" under the Kyoto Protocol. FSM agrees the most effective way to control the manmade gases such as HFC's is to reduce manufacturing them. The best way to do so is to include this under the Montreal Protocol.
The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of substances responsible for ozone depletion.

"As we see it, this will complement the UNFCCC process. We believe this approach as we have to take all the steps we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are on the frontline of climate change, we must try everything we can - pursue all initiatives," said H.E Ambassador Jane Chigiyal, Permanent Representative to the United Nations for FSM.
"We believe that a proposal from the European Union is very similar to our approach towards this. We all have the same mutual goal to close the emissions gap and we think that doing so through the Montreal Protocol to reduce HFC's would make a difference. "
According to a brief on HFCs, this gas currently represents about 1% of all greenhouse gas emissions but is the fastest growing in the world, increasing by as much as 10 - 15% per year.
Without action now, HFC emissions are projected to increase to as much as 20% of total greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
"If we fail to prevent the growth of HFC's, this will undermine efforts to limit global average temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius," said Chigiyal.
"There is growing support for this within the Montreal Protocol and we will continue trying."
FSM also holds a seat on the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties which provides guidance for ongoing work of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocool, organisation of sessions and operation of the Secretariat. It also provides advice to the President of the COP and takes decisions when it comes to overall management of the intergovernmental process.
FSM has a delegation of five at the 19th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention to Climate Change which is held in Warsaw, Poland from 11 to 22 November.


Nanette Woonton | Media and Public Relations Officer<br> Attachée de relations publiques<br> <b>Phone</b> | +685 21929 +685 21929 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting Ext 305 | Fax | +685 20231 |
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Turmoil at climate talks as blame game heats up - Yahoo News

Turmoil at climate talks as blame game heats up - Yahoo News

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Work on Pilot Road Continues.

Work continues on the pilot road project. The road is being raised in low laying areas in both road segments. On this photo, the road is next to the mangrove swamp in RS 3.

After the sub base material is spread on the road, it is compacted.
The construction of the box culverts has been awarded to three contractors.  Four box culverts are being constructed in RS 4.

To climate proof this road, The culverts were changed from 12 inches (30 cm.) to the new ones of 36 inches (90 cm.). This was done during last year and the first semester of 2013. Now the road is being raised, and bigger box culverts are constructed. These activities will allow the expected increase of rainfall and sea level rise to flow under the road, minimizing the damage to the road.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

E- filing training

FSM PACC Administrative Official, Mr. Ginny Jose, attended a workshop on E-filing in Pohnpei from September 9-12th. Participants learn and practiced the Paperport software. The software simplifies the filing of documents and also has the feature of editing PDF files and combining Word and Excel document files. This software makes it easier and faster to send documents between offices and countries.

44th Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting

FSM PACC Coordinator, Mr. Simpson Abraham attended the 44th Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting. It was held in Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands on September 1 - 6, 2013. This meeting brought together all the PIF countries to discuss issues related to the Forum countries. The North pacific PACC countries accompanied the SPREP Director General and the Delegation from SPREP in the region and to seek scaling up assisstance from the donor partners.

 The purpose of this meeting was to facilitate discussions on how to promote way forwardd for PACC and to integrate to other climate change and disaster risk management at all levels ( national and/or state) and at all processes ie from planning to implementation, monitoring and feedback in view of improving  implementation and to provide the basis for achieving a triple win of reducing disaster risk, climate change adaptation and sustainable development.

Given the remaining 18 months of the PACC project, such iniciatives to upscale the projects by demonstrating progress to the donor countries will be a leveraged to sustain and replicate the project.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

International Mangrove Action Day, 26 July: Mangroves, our insurance against the wrath of nature

International Mangrove Action Day, 26 July: Mangroves, our insurance against the wrath of nature

Here is an article about the ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests. It was published in the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity website. Please follow link to read.

FSM PACC Coordinator Visits Australia and Japan Embassies

FSM  PACC Project Coordinator, Mr. Simpson Abraham, spent last week in Pohnpei. He met with Australian Ambassador, Mr. Martin Quinn on July 30. Their meeting was about the Australian Government support to the PAC Project and Climate Change in the FSM. In the afternoon, Mr. Abraham met with representatives of  NBK-Nippon Co. and Penta Ocean from Japan. They discussed the draft climate proofing design of the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan. They also prepared an application for Grant Aid from the Japan Government.
Australia Ambassador, Mr.Martin Quinn with FSM PACC Coordinator, Mr. Simpson Abraham.


On July 31st, Mr. Abraham met with Japan Ambassador, Mr. Eiichi Suzuki. They talked about the proposal for the Grant Aid from Japan to fund the proposed climate proofing shoreline project.

These meetings will provide monetary support to climate proof our coastal zone and make us less vulnerable to the expected changes in the future climate.

Ms. Takeda, Japan Ambassador, Mr. Eichii Suzuki, Mr. Abraham and Mr. Masaki Tani, Deputy Chief of Mission.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Utwe teachers went to the mangrove to learn about climate change

On July 31, Utwe elementary teachers received a workshop about mangroves. Dr. Julian Sachs from the University of Washington; the State forester, Erik Waguk, Mrs. Ruthey Luckymis from KIRMA and Mr. Cianchini from FSM PACC were the resource personnel for this workshop. By focusing on the mangrove ecosystem, teachers learn changes in climate and how to adapt to those changes. Dr Sachs talk about the chemical properties of water on the mangroves, afterwards, the twenty teachers practiced reading salinities on fresh, brackish and saltwater. The workshop was held in the Utwe Biosphere Reserve premises, where the mangrove extends from the seashore to the upland.

Dr. Sachs explain chemical properties of the water to Utwe teachers

 Trees identification and salinity readings practiced in the mangrove

Monday, July 29, 2013

FSM PACC joins the Dept. of Education to develop teaching resources

Last week, the FSM PACC and KIRMA joined the Department of Education program PREL, Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, to develop classroom resources. Science teachers met with PREL Manager, Miss Corrin Barros and University of Washington professor, Dr. Julian Sachs to plan for video interviews of how climate has changed in the view of older people. These videos will be used by science teachers as a resource for teaching climate change.

                                        Ruthie from KIRMA with Ms. Barros and DR. Sachs

 This week, Dr. Sachs with personnel of KIRMA, FSM PACC and science teachers, will meet in Utwe to develop climate change curriculum for Elementary School, using mangroves as focal area to teach coastal erosion, protected areas, waste management as well to other areas related to climate change.

                        Teachers divided in groups to share ideas on teaching climate change

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Acid Test: Rising CO2 Levels Killing Ocean Life (Op-Ed) - Yahoo! News

 Acid Test: Rising CO2 Levels Killing Ocean Life (Op-Ed) - Yahoo! News

A news release about ocean acidification. An article written by Matt Huelsenbeck in

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kosrae Project a shining example of climate change adaptation measures

By Bill Jaynes, The Kaselehlie Press:

9 July 2013, Nadi, Fiji - The tiny island of Kosrae is gaining a reputation as a shining example of climate change adaptation measures.

Last year Simpson Abraham who is running the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) pilot project in Kosrae spoke at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties in Qatar. Only five countries were invited to present on their adaptation projects. The Association of Pacific Island Legislators recently asked him to come to Hawaii in order to do presentation on the project but because he was already scheduled to give a presentation at the Joint Meeting of the 2013 Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management and Pacific Climate Change Roundtable he had to decline.

He presented on Kosrae's project at the joint meeting this morning.

The project he has been talking about is the Tafensak road project. In a presentation given by SPREP's Director General, David Sheppard also praised the project and called it an excellent example of "climate change proofing of infrastructure".

Abraham said that in 2008 a king tide rolled over the Tafensak area, burying the six mile long Tafensak roadway under several feet of water and also flooding nearby homes. It was quite the wakeup call for the island of the Sleeping Lady.

In 2009 the Asian Development bank funded an assessment of roads which also made recommendations on what could be done to "climate proof" the roadways.

Kosrae approached SPREP and asked if they could be one of the PACC pilot projects. The project started three years ago and has one year left. Construction of culverts and drainage systems has begun and is being carried out by four local contractors, all of it funded by the Global Environment Fund. Abraham's salary at KIRMA (Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority) is also paid by the GEF. KIRMA is the lead agency on the PACC.

The Kosrae PACC is one of 14 PACCs in the Pacific Region funded by GEF.

Through the PACC Abraham conducted educational campaigns, worked with landowners, developed plans and lobbied for enabling legislation.

In 2009 the FSM developed a
National Climate Change Policy. In 2011 Kosrae passed Climate Change legislation and next week a small amendment is scheduled for a reading at the Kosrae Legislature. If it passes it would add climate risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures as a requirement before any development project could be approved. Abraham said that Kosrae is also updating its Environment Impact Assessment Guidelines. He also said that Kosrae is trying to develop a building code.

By the time the PACC ends next year the government will need to have made a decision as to whether they would be willing to take ownership of the PACC for further climate risk projects.

In a related but separate program, GIZ (German financial assistance) funded a study of coastal erosion that also made recommendations to protect against further coastal erosion in Kosrae. 80 percent of Kosrae coastline has eroded and some home are now right next to the ocean. Kosrae developed a shoreline management plan, and Abraham says that he is currently in the process of negotiating to fund the implementation of that plan.

The PACC Project is designed to promote climate change adaptation as a key pre-requisite to sustainable development in Pacific Island countries. Its objective therefore is to enhance the capacity of the participating countries to adapt to climate change and climate variability, in key development sectors. 

The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Australian Government (AusAID), with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as its implementing agency and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) as implementing partner. The project is from 2009 to 2013. 

The PACC project covers 14 participating countries and helps develop three key areas that build resilience to climate change in Pacific communities: Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands focus on Food Production and Food Security; Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, Tokelau and Vanuatu are developing Coastal Management capacity; and Nauru, Niue, Republic of Marshall Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu are looking to strengthen their water resource management.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab

Here is a site for an animation to raise awareness of the impacts of El Nino and La Nina. A tool kit for the teachers or facilitators can also be downloaded at:
This animation clip was produced as a collaboration between the Red Cross and the Australian Government's Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Project (PACCSAP). The video is about four minutes long. There is a copy at the FSM PACC Office available too.

 The Climate Crab

Monday, July 1, 2013

2013 Youth to Youth Environmental Summer Camp

During the first week of July, 7th grade students from Kosrae meet at the Gymnasium for the Youth to Youth Summer Camp. This summer camp is organized by the Kosrae Conservation and Safety Organization, KCSO. Other NGO's and environmental government agencies also participae in this summer camp. FSM PACC awareness coordinator, Carlos Cianchini, gave a presentation attended by 123  students from the four villages of Kosrae. He talked about what is causing Kosrae's coastal erosion and what we have to do to adapt to it. Students were encouraged to ask the parents and grandparents the extent of coastal erosion on their villages. There were other presentations on invasive species, waste management and marine protected areas. The rest of the week the students are to visit Kosrae's protected and proposed areas for conservation.
Mr. Cianchini talks to the students about coastal erosion. ( Photo by Likiak Melander)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Box culverts contractors for Pilot project road.

On June 27, the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure had a meeting with the contractors who will build the box culverts.Four contractors are to build a total of eleven culverts on the road being climate proofed,. The first one will be finished by July and the last one is expected to be finished by January of 2014.

The contractors meet with DT&I Director, Mr. Luckymis, project engineer, Mr. Bahillo and FSM PACC Administrative Officer, Mr. Jose.

FSM PACC Project Display at the 2013 State Fair

On June 27, Kosrae had their State Fair. Produce from farmers, fishermen and handicraft makers was displayed to the general public. Environmental awareness exhibits by the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority KIRMA, Quarantine Office, the NGO Kosrae Conservation and Safety Organization as well as the FSM PACC Project were visited by the Fair visitors.  FSM PACC booth had information on the project, the pilot road, adaptation strategies and two comic books. Many young people did not recognized some of the damage done by storm waves and coastal erosion on the island.

FSM PACC display at the State Fair

Monday, June 24, 2013

Regulations for Development Projects and Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines Workshop

A workshop to review the proposed amendments to be incorporated in the Regulations for Developing Projects and for finalizing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Guidelines for Kosrae State was held on June 18-19. The FSM PACC Project and the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA) invited stakeholders to review the proposed amendments  to the Regulations for Development projects and the  EIA guidelines. On both documents climate change impacts are to be incorporated in the Kosrae State Code as required by Kosrae State 10-2.
A total of twenty six stakeholders attended the workshop and included representation from the island Mayors, Kosrae State Legislature, Housing program, the Attorney General, Permitting Office, Foreign Investing and NGO’s.  These documents states the impact reducing requirements for developing projects ranging from private houses to big infrastructure projects (either government or foreign companies) that new development should follow.  Coastal development will be limited by new distance from high water level mark as suggested by coastal engineer Mr. Doug Ramsey. KIRMA’s Environmental lawyer, Ms. Emily Gibson, was in charge of presenting the information to the participants, which gave their feedback back to her to integrate it to both documents.

                                                      Stakeholders at the workshop




Monday, June 17, 2013

.Teachers learn about the FSM PACC Project

The FSM PACC project team took the opportunity of a gathering of teachers to raise awareness of a teaching tool on climate change. The team also talked to the group about PACC project activities in Kosrae, which include engineering coastal roads to protect them from sea level rise and other climate change impacts.
The Kosrae Department of Education held its Annual Conference during the week of June 11-14th. About 45 teachers and members of the  general public were  present. The FSM PACC Project to gave two presentations:   “Adapting to a Changing Climate Flipchart as a tool for teaching about Climate Change”, and “Loss and Damage associated with Coastal Hazards as a result of Climate Change”.

 FSM PACC project assistant, Carlos Jose Cianchini, introduced the Adapting to a Changing Climate flipchart as an aid to teaching about climate change, and demonstrated it to the teachers.  The flipchart was developed by the Micronesia Conservation Trust, The Nature Conservancy, The Micronesia Challenge and the Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Area Community, and available to teachers from  the Department of Education. There is also a  booklet  which explains how to use the flipchart, and can be downloaded at
 Mr. Cianchini also informed the teachers of other sources of information available at the PACC office. An information board was also displayed with information about the FSM PACC Project and awareness materials.

The second presentation was by the FSM Project Coordinator, Mr. Simpson Abraham.  He talked about the Loss and Damage project on Kosrae.  Under this project, almost 400 households were interviewed about their experience with coastal erosion and how they have dealt with it.  Lack of expertise and money were the main reasons given for the damage caused to their properties . Mr. Abraham also used aerial and satellite images to illustrate the extent of coastal erosion on the last seventy years, and described plans to rehabilitate the existing farm roads further inland to begin relocation of infrastructure needed before people moving upland.

                                 Mr. Simpson Abraham giving his presentation to Kosrae teachers.
                                                          FSM PACC Project Display

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Coastal Engineer Updates the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan of 2000

Doug Ramsey, a coastal engineer working with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand, Visited Kosrae State from April 15th-27th.  Mr. Ramsey came to Kosrae as part of the FSM PACC project to update the 2000 Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan. He spent two weeks on the island, meeting with the Governor’s office, Kosrae State Legislature, representatives from utilities and housing, engineers from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the general public in all five of Kosrae’s villages.

Mr. Ramsey’s presentation explained the varied impacts of coastal erosion in Kosrae in each village. By superimposing 1944 photos on current ones, people could see the changes in Kosrae’s shoreline in the last 80 years. He explained that the primary cause of the recent erosion is the removal of coral boulders from the reef flats as filling material for roads and buildings foundations after WWII. The coastal structure of Kosrae, Mr. Ramsey explained, is a result of sand and broken coral on the reef flat, which builds up and eventually begins accumulating soil and vegetation. When people build on these coastal areas, there is a substantial risk of coastal flooding as waves will continue to pass over the beach into developed areas.

Moving on to a discussion of potential adaptation strategies for dealing with Kosrae’s erosion, Mr. Ramsey emphasized that seawalls are not a viable permanent solution, because the can cause damage in nearby areas and are very costly.

Mr. Ramsey argued that more fruitful adaptation approach would be to move inland in the future, avoiding construction on the sea shore and building on stilts. Mr. Ramsey told the public that extreme changes are not expected until two generations (approximately 50 years), but we should nonetheless begin preparations now.

In his meeting with the Governor, the Governor’s Cabinet, and Utilities representatives, Mr. Ramsey suggested that the rehabilitation and improvement of the farm roads be undertaken so as to provide an alternative to the coastal road in endangered areas. The coastal erosion is already near the road in parts of Malem, Lelu and Tafunsak municipalities. Kosrae currently runs the risk of roads, utilities and housing being impacted in these
areas during tidal or weather situations in which large waves are present. Additional risks include the possibility the access to the Airport and Seaport facilities in Kosrae could be cut off.

As part of the rehabilitation and improvement of the farm roads, they should be climate proofed as required by State Law 10-2, using the guidelines used in the FSM PACC Pilot Road project ( bigger culverts,better drainages,etc.), for the expected increase of rainfall.

Mr. Ramsey also met with the KRMA Board and the Housing representatives to suggest that they avoid issuing permits for further development in highly endangered coastal areas.

Mr. Ramsey based his analysis of coastal erosion and management in Kosrae on his extensive experience working from 1998-2000 in Kosrae as part of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA), formerly known as the Kosrae Development Review Commission. During his previous work in Kosrae. Mr. Ramsey prepared the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan of 2000.

Mr. Ramsey’s work was funded by the German Technical Cooperation Agency, GIZ and the SPC North  Pacific, based in Pohnpei.
                                     Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Abraham with the Kosrae State Legislators.

                                        Mr. Ramsey addresses the Governor's Cabinet Members

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kosrae Tide Tables Prepared by Using Kosrae Data

Kosrae has a new set of tide tables, developed by using data collected with FSM PACC meteorological equipment. Read the article published by SPREP in this link

May 2013 tide table example

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Work on Pilot Project Road

Work on the FSM PACC pilot project's coastal road resumed again after some delays. The Lacl to Loes road is to be climate proofed, to withstand the expected increase in rainfall ans sea level rise. To achieve this, the road is to be raised and the culverts changed to bigger ones. This will allow the rainwater runoff and the high tide water to flow under the road, avoiding damaging it. Two filling materials areas had been designated and with heavy equipment donated by the Government of Japan, work has resumed.

                                             New excavator extracting sub-base material.

A contractor has begun to build the head walls of the new culverts. The new culverts are 36 inches in diameter. During an inspection of the work being done, we observed water flowing in the culverts. In the mangrove area, water from a rising tide move inland. In the freshwater swamps areas, water was flowing from the upland.

                                                           Head walls of the new culverts.

Today, March 28, The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, carried out the Box culverts pre-bid with six contractors. Mr. Bahillo, the project engineer, explained to the contractors the specifications of the work required.

                                                     Contractors attend Pre-bid meeting.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Adapting to a Changing Climate" booklet

The Pacific Islands Climte Education Partnership PCEP has a site where you can download the booklet
" Adapting to a Changing Climate" This booklet was produced by The Micronesia Conservation Trust in collaboration with The Micronesia Challenge. The booklet is part of an awareness kit which included a flipchart and a Facilitators guide. This kit has been used by climate change educators in the Federated States of Micronesia and includes information on climate change, adaptation strategies and the resiliense/vulnerability of healthy and degraded environments. The booklet can be downloaded at the PCEP site with this link

                             The Climate Change toolkit used by FSM environmental educators.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

FSM PACC Project presented to the Kosrae's Governor and Cabinet

On March 7,FSM PACC Coordinator, Mr. Simpson Abraham; presented the project’s updates to the Governor and his Cabinet. He went over the PACC Strategic Planning meeting in Samoa where it was decided that the project will be extended to 2014. It was discussed in this meeting that the PACC Plus, Australian Fund, will give an additional 6 million dollars for 13 PACC countries. To be eligible for this fund, 70% of the original budget has to be spent. The FSM PACC project remaining balance is $445,000. One of the issues discussed was the land owners being complained about their land being touched without being notified. The Governor and the Cabinet explained that the road and the swamp area are government’s property and there is no certificate of title required.
 Mr. Abraham also informed the Cabinet that in April, a team of coastal experts will be visiting the island to update the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan of 2000. This team and their work will be funded by Germany Government (GIZ), with a budget of $100,000.
Another issue discussed was the designation of disaster evacuation routes project proposal. Mr. Abraham informed the Governor and his cabinet about Mr. Kosi Latu’s, SPREP’s Deputy Director General, visit to Kosrae and his interest in this project.  Mr. Latu is willing to provide financial assistance to this project if it is on Kosrae’s Priority List. The proposal will be written by the state Governor and will be sent to Mr. Latu for his Review and approval. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Walung village solar systems

We received the visit of Mr. Rupeni Mario and Mr. Emanuele Taibi from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community / European Union's Renewable Energy Project ( SPC/EU REP). They came to check the  schedule for the installation of the solar systems for the people of Walung village. Walung is not part of the island's electrical grid. The solar system is beign installed in every household, and includes one or two energy efficient light bulbs. Mr. Mario and Mr. Taibi, interviewed two of the persons with the system installed. Both told them that they have save money that they used to spend in kerosene for their lanterns. and the light bulbs stay on duting the whole night. Mr. Mario and Mr. Taibi also met with the staff of the Kosrae Utilities Authority to establish a  payment system for this equipment, which will allow for replacement parts in the future. These project will benefit Walung students ( study at night), their families ( save money on kerosene) and the environment ( less use of fuel and less emissions).

Mr. Taibi talks with Mr. Hamlet Jim, about their solar system.

Mr. Kosi Latu, Deputy Director General of SPREP

On March 23, we received the visit of Mr. Kosi Latu, Deputy Director General of SPREP. He came to see some of Kosrae's projects. He went with Mr. Simpson Abraham and project engineer, Mr. Abraham Bahillo; to the FSM PACC's pilot project in Okat. This is the road to be climate proofed for the expected increase in rainfall and sea level rise. To achieve that, the culverts are beign replaced with wider ones and the road raised between one or two feet. This project is a way to improve the coastal zone management, as 75% percent of the population and infrastructure is found in the coastal zone. The lessons learnt from this project will be used in the construction of better roads in the future, as these are the plans for the relocation of roads inland.  On March 25, Mr. latu met with Kosrae's Governor, Honorable Lyndon Jackson. They talked about the FSM PACC project and other projects that can be done in Kosrae. Mr. Latu also met with the Directors of Kosrae Island Resources Management Authority ( KIRMA) and the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure ( DT&I). He also visite the Fukuoka Semi Aerobic land fill and the recycling facilities. Mr. Latu left Kosrae fro the Marshall Islands that afternoon.   

                                                 Mr. Kosi Latu visits the pilot project site.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Pacific Climate Change Portal Training

The Pacific Climate Change Portal training was held in Pohnpei during February 19-21, 2013. Participants came from the FSM National and State oficials and NGO's, Marshall Is., Palau, Nauru and  Kiribati. Mr. Carlos Cianchini, FSM PACC Assistant, participate as a trainee. The Portal is managed by SPREP, as a tool to share regional information about Climate Change  projects and publications. Participants learned how to access and upload information, also we updated some information on our countries profiles. The FSM delegation selected the National Government's Office of Environment and Emergency Management, as the Portal editor for FSM. FSM PACC documents were given to them to include in the Portal. The information contained in the Portal can also be used by students for assignments on climate change. Funding agencies can access the information to review work done by agencies or NGO's applying for grant. The Pacific Climate Change Portal address is

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Temporary Refugia for Coral Reefs in a Changing World

Here is a link to access this document. The article is about coral bleaching and the global projections of bleaching conditions.

Climate Impacts and Outlook Newsletter

Here is another site with information on significant events and climate overview of the last quarter and the regional outlook for the current quarter. Can be accessed at

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Island Climate Update

Monthly climate news from the Pacific area. Connect to
 Latest issue is at
In this issue: El Nino/Soutern Oscillation (ENSO), South Pacific Convergenge Zone and Rainfall Outlook for Oceania.