Monday, December 16, 2013

Building in the Coastal Zone Recomendations Information Package

The FSM PACC and KIRMA ( Kosrae Island Resources Management Authority) had produced and is available for the public, recomendations for building in the coastal zone for those who do not own land upland. This information package can be obtained at the Housing Program at DREA, Dept. of Resources and Economic Affairs), the FSM Development Bank, KIRMA and the FSM PACC office. It includes information on how far to build from the shoreline and how to reduce the vulnerability of structures in the coastal zone.

This information was developed by Coastal Engineer, Mr. Doug Ramsay. He came back this last summer to update the Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan and make suggestions on how to become less vulnerable to the expected changes in climate. The information is provided in Kosraean language and includes building and taking care of the coastal zone, the mangroves and sand mining.

                                      The information Package for building in the coastal zone.

Consultant to Prepare Proposal for Upscaling the Work on the Pilot Road in Okat.

Mr. Jonathan W. McCue, from Sustainable Seas, is a consultant who came to Kosrae to prepare a proposal regarding the FSM PACC Project. He is to make an assessment of the pilot road project in Okat. He will prepare a proposal to funding organizations to upscale the work on the road, so it can be replicated in other roads in Kosrae and the other FSM States,. Other uses of the funds to be requested will be used to implement the Kosrae Strategic Development Plan for 2014-2023 and the Shoreline Management Plan. Mr. McCue made a courtesy visit to Kosrae Governor, Honorable Lyndon Jackson on December 3rd and the Kosrae State Legislature on the 4th.

Pilot program for Climate Resiliense (PPCR)

The Federated States of Micronesia has been chosen as one of the three countries in the Pacific Ocean to participate in the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, PPCR. This project is a joint program between SPREP, SPC, PIFS, ADB and the World Bank. It aims to pilot and demonstrate ways in which climate risk and resilience may be integrated into National, Sectorial and Local development planning and action. The project seeks to merge disaster risks with climate change. The project will last for 33 months.

Two consultants from SPREP came on the first week of December to meet with the stakeholders of climate change adaptation and disaster agencies. They are Mr. Andre Volandras, PPCR Program Manager and Mr. Aaron Buncle, the project's  Mainstreaming Specialist. They made a courtesy visit to Kosrae Governor, Honorable Lyndon Jackson. They also met with the Governor's Cabinet Members to explain them the scope of the PPCR Project.

Kosrae was selected because his previous work done on the island like the State Law 10-2, The Shoreline Management Plan, Regulations for  Developing Projects,etc.
From left to right: Hon. Lyndon Jackson, Mr. Andre Volandras, Mr. Simpson Abraham and Mr. Aaron Buncle.

Project presented to Governor's Cabinet members.