Shin Furuno, a consultant from SPREP, will be in Kosrae to do the FSM PACC
Project Terminal Evaluation from November 18 to the 21st. He will
visit the island stakeholders to interview them about the project. His first
visit will be to Honorable Lyndon Jackson. During the first day on Kosrae, he will visit the Director of DT&I, Mr. Weston Luckymis and KIRMA’s
Director P. Robert Jackson. On Wedsday,
he will talk with the Department of
Administration director, Mr. Alik Isaac. On Thursday he will meet Mr.
Switson Robert from the Department of
Finance and the Mayor of Tafunsak with some of the landowners of the Pilot
project road . Afterwards, he will be taken to the road from Lacs to Lacl. FSM
PACC Director, Mr. Simpson Abraham and the Administrative Official, Mr. Ginny
Jose; will be with Mr. Furuno during all the process.
Mr. Simpson Abraham, Hon. Lyndon Jackson and Mr. Shin Furuno.