Friday, March 14, 2014

USGS Team Came to Kosrae to Prepare Landslides Hazards Study.

Kosrae received the visit of a team from the US Geological Survey to prepare a Landslides Hazard Map. The team was in charge of Mr. Edwin Harp. FSM PACC assisstant, Mr. Carlos Cianchini took them to the farm roads where the government plan to relocate the infrastructure and people as an adaptation strategy for the raising sea levels and flooding by storm surges. The USGS team met with the Governor's Cabinet Members to explain the scope of their study. They stayed on the island from February25 until March 4.

Dr. Harp examines the rock and soil at Malem fam roads. 

Dr. Harp explais the landslides hazard project to FSM PACC Director, Mr. Simpson Abraham and Disaster Coordination Officer, Mr. Nena William.

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